Sunday, February 15, 2015

T-Shirt Cat Tent

Since it was Valentine's Day yesterday my son, Jazz, and I thought we would make something special for out cat, Yuuki. We thought everyone else in the house got one, so why not him. He's a pretty frisky kitty and Jazz thought a cat tent would be absolutely perfect!

From start to finish it took almost an hour to make. We probably would have finished quicker without additional help from Yuuki. Jazz, on the other hand did an excellent job helping take pictures. He didn't actually want to be in any of them because he's missing both front teeth at the moment.

Supplies Needed

  • A Cat
  • T-Shirt (large works best)
  • 2 Wire Hangers
  • Cushion (see T-Shirt Hula Hoop Weaving)
  • Tape
  • Cardboard (size as cushion)
  • Safety Pins
  • Pliers

Getting Started

The Frame

Start by twisting the tops of the hangers and remove the hooks. Straighten out the hangers, you made need to use pliers. I found that newer hangers worked better; you can find them at Walmart for $2.

Begin to shape the frame by bending your hangers in a curved U shape.

Tape the edges of your board and any creases or bends for extra support. Poke holes in all four corners at least 1/2 inch from the edges. I used the discarded hook to make mine.

 Cross your hangers in an X and place the ends in the holes of your board. Secure the middle with tape.

Turn your frame on its side and bend the ends of the hangers flat against the bottom of the board. Secure them with lots of tape.

Now it's time to create the tent!

Pull your shirt over the frame and position the neck hole over the front.

Turn the tent over. Pull the back of the tent fabric taut and pin with safety pins. Fold in the sides and pin to the bottom. You may need to do this several times.

 Turn it over!

Thanks for visiting and I hope your cat loves their tent just as much as Yuuki does.

Photos by: Brista & Jazz Robinson


  1. I want to do this for my cat, although she'd probably attack the tent. Good idea!

  2. Very inventive, I would've never thought to use old t-shirts for something like this! This is great.

  3. that looks hard, but than again I was never good with my hands.

  4. I would love to do this, but I'm afraid I'd never see my cats again haha!

  5. Thanks! I have a lot of extra wire hangers if any of you would like to give it a go!
